Saturday, May 27, 2006

On the road to NewYork

Wheels moved faster.Speedometer readings turned to the right.My legs were firm on the accelerator.And my eyes fixed on the lonely road.The only light on the road was that of my car.

"At home what you do?"
"After coming from college what you did?"
We shared these things as we surpassed the calm mountains.
It was our last
trip in US before leaving to India.So we three decided to enjoy every moment.Slowly the voice became lower and lower till it was heard no more and a greater silence prevailed the valley.The friend who sat by my side could not control himself and had gone to sleep.

I took a quicker look at the rear mirror to see my friend with whom i took turns in driving also sleeping.I kept watching the mirror but i could see nothing except the darkness of the night.My only company at this moment were the snowy mountains,shining stars and lonely cars which came for every thirty miles.

I wondered "what a moment this was?"Thoughts of books I read and valleys I imagined came to my mind.And here I was in one of those valleys.
I felt the coldness of the night.Immersed was i in my thoughts.
But the silence was broken by a voice which said "Dai till me if your feeling sleepy, i will drive".I smiled and said no as i enjoyed this moment.

The watch showed three and the speedometer showed 100 and in two hours I knew the richest city will welcome me.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Ice cream Parlour in US

At the end of a long walk we entered a ice cream parlour.We joined a queue of young and old waiting to chose their flavour.I looked at the menu ,though i knew what i would chose.It had a list of unknown flavours but i settled for the one which i was familiar with.I looked at my friend with the pride of having decided.My friend was still looking at the menu.Was my friend also pretending to chose from the list?

Suddenly i heard a gentle voice.I smiled back at the person and chose two scoops of my favourite flavour.We then took a seat at the parlour to continue our talk.In the middle of the talks i was watching the people around us.There was a little girl talking in a low tone to her parents.Her parents eyes were fixed on her.The girl was happy for she was heard.Her parents were happy for they could spend some time with her.Next to them was seated a old lady.The hat on her head suggested that she lived in great times but the icecream in her hand showed her sweet childhood.

I wondered if life lies in these wonderful moments.I looked at my friend and my friend smiled back at me.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


I see you in my light
I see you in my darkness
You know my plus
You know my minus
Still you love me
                  for who I am

I see you in my joy
I see you in my sorrow
You comfort me
You give me rest
Yet you expect nothing
                  except my time

So did God say
there is no love greater than
giving one's life
                  for one's friend.....